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Moon Dev

want the algo trading roadmap?

Algo Trading Roadmap

want the above roadmap? read this page first

i believe code is the great equalizer

and i know that finance is the most

scarcity driven industry in the world

so i share every single line of code on youtube

at the bottom of this page i give you

the entire algo trading roadmap

and a bunch of resources to get you started

but please, read every word below first

I go live on YouTube daily.

Need anything? You can reach me at [email protected]

👋🏽 hey! i'm moon dev

i believe code is the great equalizer

because if you can code

you can build anything

everything in the world started with a thought

but most can't execute bc they "cant" code

i didn't learn to code til i was 30

because i was scared

i thought it was just for the smart people

but once i wanted to automate my trading

i had no other choice

if i wanted to iterate to success

then protect my edge, i had to learn

not just coding, but algo trading

this is the most secretive industry in the world

no one shares anything

and since no one was there to show me

i decided to learn live on youtube

and it started helping others

i guess seeing a noob fumble through code is entertaining

every day i showed up and continue to

but continously get questions like these

can i buy your bot?

what bot of yours should i run?

my answer is no & none, you have to find your edge

no one is going to share their edge

no one is going to give you a profitable bot

please stop buying bots on the internet

the only way algo trading will work is if you build your own bots

on my youtube ive shared my whole journey

so you can know everything i know

but even with that, people still wanted

me to create a course and give my code

im only on year 4 of a 60 year game

so there is so so much more to learn

here are some reviews of my bootcamp

(which you never have to join)

everything i know is on youtube

the people below just asked me

for my code and more concise vids

and these are their thoughts

but remember, no one is going to give you a profitable bot

so while i have training & code

you'll still have to build your own edge

algo trading is not about getting rich fast

it's about building non-correlated low risk automated trading systems

Reviews about algo trade camp


please dont buy bots on the internet

no one is going to sell you a profitable bot

if everyone ran the same bot, the profits would converge to 0

the only way to be a successful algo trader is coding yourself

ai can not code for you but can make you way more efficient

Reviews about algo trade camp

no one is going to give you a profitable bot

so while i have training & code

you'll still have to build your own edge

Reviews about algo trade camp

no one is going to give you a profitable bot

so while i have training & code

you'll still have to build your own edge

Reviews about algo trade camp

remember, no one is going to give you a profitable bot

i show you how to code your strategy into an automated one

after backtesting it. but you still have to develop your own edge

Reviews about algo trade camp

remember, no one is going to give you a profitable bot

i show you how to code your strategy into an automated one

after backtesting it. but you still have to develop your own edge

Reviews about algo trade camp

remember, no one is going to give you a profitable bot

i show you how to code your strategy into an automated one

after backtesting it. but you still have to develop your own edge

Reviews about algo trade camp

remember, no one is going to give you a profitable bot

i show you how to code your strategy into an automated one

after backtesting it. but you still have to develop your own edge

Reviews about algo trade camp

remember, no one is going to give you a profitable bot

you have to find and build your own edge

if you are up for the challenge

then grab the roadmap and resources below

simply by clicking the button below

and signing up for the free newsletter

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